Let's Share Hiroshima!


アダム・ベック アダム・ベック





Ten years ago, when I was a teacher at Hiroshima International School, I often went to a small okonomiyaki shop with a group of other American teachers. Although the staff of the okonomiyaki shop couldn't speak much English, and our Japanese wasn't so good, we became friends and enjoyed a lot of fun times together at that restaurant. One Sunday morning we even went there to cook an American-style breakfast for them! It's a small thing, perhaps, but a group of Japanese and a group of Americans - who would have been enemies years ago - found friendship ... and it all started with okonomiyaki. The other teachers have since left Japan, and I no longer go there as often as I once did, but it remains a happy memory.

10年前、私が広島インターナショナルスクールの教師だったころ、他の米国人教師たちと、とある小さいお好み焼き店によく行っていました。店の人は英語が話せませんでしたし、こちらの日本語も下手でしたが、私たちは仲良くなり、楽しいひとときを過ごしました。ある日曜の朝、アメリカンスタイルの朝食を作りに、店に行ったほどです! ささいなことだと思います。しかし、かつて敵対していた日本人と米国人が、友情を見出したのです。そして、これはお好み焼きから始まりました。他の教師が日本を去ってから、私も店にはあまり行かなくなりましたが、今でも幸せな思い出です。


Mai : Thank you for writing! I love okonomiyaki, too. By the way, you don't have to be a teenager to write an essay for English Challenge. So please try writing an essay next time about the new topic, "jobs." Good luck with studying English this year! I look forward to hearing from you again!

SOS : Your okonomiyaki sounds very tasty! I wish I could try it! I'm not much of a cook, but maybe I'll try making okonomiyaki one day... As for your essay, you did another fine job. The idiom you wanted to use, though, is "to kill two birds with one stone." For example: "By doing (something), I/you can kill two birds with one stone."

MURATA : Yes, I like okonomiyaki, too! Please eat a lot of okonomiyaki before you leave Hiroshima in the spring! Maybe you can even pack some okonomiyaki in your suitcase! And I hope you’ll continue studying English in the future. You're definitely improving. One suggestion: Say "Reading this issue of Peace Seeds,..."

Mackey : I enjoyed reading your essay. It sounds like you have very good memories of okonomiyaki from your childhood, and you're now giving good memories of okonomiyaki to your children, too! Here's one suggestion about your essay: "The taste of his okonomiyaki is so good" sounds more natural.

vine eggs : Happy New Year to you, too! Good luck studying English this year! Keep trying hard! Actually, I live in Ushita and I sometimes go to an okonomiyaki shop down the street. It's good, but not the best. About your essay, the last sentence would sound more natural like this: "The okonomiyaki my friend’s mother made is still the best I've ever had."

104号クロスワードパズルの正解はこちら >>




What is a "good job"? Some people might say. "A job that pays me a lot of money." But I'm not talking about the amount of money, though that's important, of course. I've had a variety of jobs in my life, starting in high school, but I've been happiest working as a teacher and a writer. So, for me, a "good job" is a job that I feel happy doing. I know it isn't possible to be happy all the time in your work. But I think you have a better chance of being happy when the work you do matches who you are as a person: your skills, interests, your personality, and the contribution you want to make to the world.




住所( 都道府県 )
住所( 市町村以下住所 )