Let's Share Hiroshima!


アダム・ベック アダム・ベック


English Challenge


今回、呉市の Mackey さんからはうれしいエッセーも届きました。「As you choose good themes and write nice essays from your experience, I feel as if I've gotten a letter from a close friend. I always enjoy your answers in the newspaper and the website.(いいテーマで、経験を基にしたエッセーが書かれていると、親友から手紙をもらったような気分になります。新聞やホームページでの返答も楽しんでいます)」と書いてありました。 Mackey さん含めこのコーナーを楽しんでくれている人に感謝しています。



What formats for English Challenge have been most useful or interesting to you so far? Why? What kind of format would you like to see in the future? Why?


The other day an old friend from the Czech Republic visited Hiroshima. (I was an English teacher in the Czech Republic many years ago.) When I took him to Peace Park, and Peace Memorial Museum, I was surprised at how much information I could share with him about Hiroshima and the atomic bombing. I'm certainly not an expert, but I have learned a lot about Hiroshima over the years. And one reason I have this knowledge is from writing English Challenge! So, for me, all the English Challenge formats have been useful and interesting because they help me learn about Hiroshima! As for the future, if the current format is changed to something new, I would like that new format to be useful and interesting for readers and also motivate more people to actively participate in English Challenge. Any ideas? Please let me know!



Ms. MURATA : I'm glad that you have continued to write essays. I think the effort is helping you to communicate your thoughts more clearly in English. Keep trying hard! You can do it! One suggestion this time... When you talk about something being difficult/hard (or easy) for you, say it like this: "It's difficult/hard/easy for me to (make a cake)."

Ms. Kanta : I'm happy to hear you have enjoyed the essay format. I agree that it might be difficult for most junior high school students. It's hard, though, to find a format that's suitable for everyone. When the format was easier, to enable more junior high students to take part, I still didn't receive many submissions from that age group. Maybe they're too busy with clubs and other activities!

Ms. Mackey : I really appreciate your kind message! I'm happy that English Challenge has been interesting and useful for you. You have been a very faithful contributor! Thank you! As for your essay, the last sentence would sound more natural like this: "I think that more people should take part and use this for learning and sharing."

Mr. SOS男 : Thank you for thoughts! I'm always pleased to hear from you! I'm glad, too, that you have found the essay format to be interesting and instructive. I'm not yet sure how the format will change, but I hope you'll continue to take part! With regard to your writing, it would be better to use the expression "had" instead of "made" in the first sentence; "made" has the feeling of "force" or "pressure." So..."The assignments that had us express our opinions..."

The next issue of Hiroshima Koku is the 100th issue! As you know, the first issue of Hiroshima Koku was published in January 2007, almost five years ago. A lot of people have helped produce Hiroshima Koku over the years. Today I would like to share my congratulations with them all. Many of the junior writers who worked for Hiroshima Koku in the past are now university students. Some of them have even expressed an interest in becoming reporters in the future. For all of them, though, I think the experience of being a junior writer has had a strong and positive impact. Their eyes have opened wider to the world and they have learned the value of communicating important ideas with others though writing. Well done, junior writers! Keep up the good work for the next 100 issues of Hiroshima Koku!

publish=発行する  produce=つくる  express an interest=興味を示す
positive impact=プラスの効果  well done=良くできました  keep up=続ける