These are messages from some of the people we have interviewed to date.
They comprise a collection of peace messages for children and teeens.
In any international activity, there are three important things to show your respect: calling other people by their names, using proper greetings, and saying "thank you." (Shigeru Suganami, doctor who founded AMDA, in the first issue) |
Youth today can enjoy freedom, so I hope they study hard, learn to think for themselves, and find ways to promote peace. (Kazuo Nishimoto, former torpedo "Kaiten" specialist, in issue 9) |
We mustn't judge the whole of something based on only the part that's visible to us. We must imagine what may lay hidden on the sides that we cannot see. (Ikuro Anzai, director of the Kyoto Museum for World Peace, in issue 14) |
I experienced the war myself. During the air raids, bombs fell nearby. I feel strongly that such things should never happen again. (Yohei Kono, speaker of Japan's House of Representatives, in issue 28) |
Peace blossoms in war, while war grows from peace.(Hayao Miyazaki, director of animated films, in issue 50) |
If you can't speak up to stop bullying by yourself, you can do it with other friends by your side. It's important to bring up children who are capable of helping their friends. (Shinji Kurihara, professor at Hiroshima University and education expert, in issue58) |
People can learn a lot from each other as we all have different ways of thinking and behaving and different cultures. By doing so, you can find new things about yourself. Curiosity is vital to making your dreams come true. (Alexander A. Mej?a, director of the UNITAR Hiroshima Office, in issue 62) |
Clarifying the cause of difficulty in your relationships and respecting your differences. Creating peace in our own lives leads to widening peace in the world. (Fumiyo Kono, manga artist, in issue 67) |
Japan should take a peaceful and diplomatic path, reaching out to all nations, instead of relying on military might. (Keiji Nakazawa, manga artist and writer, in issue 69) |
There are so many people who need your help, therefore look beyond Japan and become a global citizen.(Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, in issue 75) |
If people can come to trust each other, they won't need to keep nuclear weapons and wage war. They won't need to fight to reach victory and defeat. (Michio Hara, poet and painter, in issue 77) |
You dream that it is possible to have a world where war is no more, where poverty is history, where no one goes to bed hungry, where children do not die needlessly for lack of clean water, etc. Go on dreaming those dreams and pester your parents, the adults, to work together with you for such a world. (Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former South African Anglican Archbishop, in issue 79) |
People who didn't experience the atomic bombing directly shouldn't feel reluctant about speaking out. In fact, it would be impossible to hand down the experience if people don't feel free to talk about what happened in Hiroshima. (Masamoto Nasu, writer, in issue 84) |
It's important to experience life abroad, such as having a homestay with a family in another country. Please learn to speak English, which is vital for interacting with people abroad. That might even help you land a job in another country and marry and raise a family there. While enjoying an international lifestyle in a new marriage, it's still important, I think, to embody the proper traditional culture of Japan.(Shigeaki Hinohara, director of St. Luke's International Hospital, in issue 100) |
(These figures appear in random order. The information noted about them was current at the time they were interviewed in Peace Seeds.) |